- IR・Sustainability
- (S) Social Initiatives
- With Shareholders and Investors
(S) Social Initiatives
PRINTBasic Approach
We, PILOT and the PILOT Group, believes that it is our corporate social responsibility to improve value and contribute to the development of a sustainable society through our business activities.
We will keep working to maintain and improve the environment and society, recognizing that our business activities are only possible when people in society can live with peace of mind.
With Shareholders and Investors
Timely disclosure of IR information
PILOT will disclose information timely and properly following the guidelines in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where the Company is listed. In addition, if information is considered useful for deepening understanding of the Company, we will also disclose this timely and properly, even if no laws, regulations, or timely disclosure rules apply.
Disclosure Policy
We publish a business report twice a year to extend the understanding of our shareholders.

Approach to shareholder returns
PILOT’s basic policy is to achieve stable dividend growth and to aim for a dividend payout ratio of 30% or more by 2024. Since 2016, we have increased our dividend for eight consecutive years, and dividends are consistent and stable.
Related webpages
- (E) Environmental Initiatives
- (S) Social Initiatives
- (G) Corporate Governance